Non-Proliferation & International Security

Subject Area: Science, War, and Securities Studies. Type of Document: Personal Statement. Brief about the course: Non-Proliferation & International Security MA course. To examine the causes, processes and effects of weapons proliferation, the evolution and effectiveness of the international non-proliferation regime, and the way in which proliferation influences other issues in international relations. Using knowledge and tools of analysis from international relations, history, political science, the hard sciences, philosophy and sociology to explore the topic from a variety of perspectives. Key benefits Drawing on the strengths of the Department of War Studies, our course is multidisciplinary, utilising knowledge and tools of analysis from history, political science, the hard sciences, philosophy, sociology and international relations. Through guest speakers and, when possible, field trips our course also draws on the broad range of expertise available in government and the NGO community. The Centre for Science and Security Studies, located within the Department of War Studies, provides a vibrant home for our MA course, with its own speaker series and a growing cadre of PhD students and researchers. When possible, our centre also offers internships on current research projects. You are also encouraged to apply for internships at other relevant London-based institutions, such as IISS and the Verification Research Training and Information Centre (VERTIC). Our Department has an excellent reputation as a graduate training institution and is recognised by the British Academy, the Arts and Humanities Research Council and the Economic and Social Research council as a training institution for war studies. We place great emphasis on recruiting leading experts who bring with them not only a wealth of knowledge and ideas but an extensive and continually growing network of links with other departments, think-tanks, organisations, policymaking bodies and institutions.

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