opioid addiction among the elderly population

opioid addiction among the elderly population
All the information that I have gathered will be uploaded for the writer to incorporate in the RESEARCH PROPOSAL document. RESEARCH PROPOSAL Guidelines Choose a research topic (OPIOID ADDICTION AMONG THE ELDERLY POPULATION) and question (HAS THE OPIOID EPIDEMIC EFFECTED THE ELDERLY POPULATION?) of their own choosing that is within the broad area of social sciences. This selection must be done in consultation with me and follow the outline you created in your Term Research document. You should pretend that this proposal is going to be submitted to the Institutions Review Board. Please review the IRB website before starting this assignment. Remember, the focus of this course is on practitioner-oriented research; meaning, the students hypothesis/research question should result in original research and something that can contribute to the already existing literature in their selected research area. Proposals should be a minimum of 12-20 pages, double spaced, excluding support material such as sample cover letters, surveys, etc. Purpose of Academic Research You should not write a summative piece for your final paper. A descriptive study of a particular paper is very weak and does not indicate original work; that is not to say that a good literature review is not important as a part of your paper, but it should only be part not all of your focus when collecting information. Good papers tend to highlight what has already been studied in the field and what new research can contribute to this field. Your work should not be created in a vacuum; rather, it should highlight so nuances that have not be previously addressed by other scholars (e.g. specific issues or shortcomings currently in the field, issues behind the theories governing this type of research, nuances that you (the author) think need to be understood in order to make this field better, or that the availability of research related materials would be improved). For professionals, knowing that a problem exists isnt half as helpful as knowing how to resolve it or make it better. Try to propose something unique. Students should minimize collecting information or using variables not having a bearing on the outcome of their study. As a rule of thumb, just building something is not acceptable; analysis of the type of topic or subject is almost always required. Gathering information isnt research. Research should produce generalizations that can be either applied directly to practice in the field or to further theoretical developments. RESEARCH PROPOSAL Guidelines Each student will develop a Formal Research Project Proposal (OPIOID ADDICTION AMONG THE ELDERLY) to be handed in on paper by the end of WEEK 14. Late proposals will be penalized if I am not consulted in advance of the due date. You will use the information collected in your proposal to expand and write your Final Term Research document. The research proposal will contain the following sections with approximate lengths (double spaced) as given: 1 page-Introduction to problem (including a clear statement of the research hypothesis) 2-6 pages- Brief prose literature review. Emphasize relationship between problem, literature, methodology, and possible solutions. This should be a prose presentation and argument rather than a list as in the literature review assignment 3-6 pages- precise statement of methodology & analytical techniques. Include operational definitions (in prose) 0.5 to 2 pages- Limitations of this study (weakness of data, methodology, and analysis) 0.5 to 2 pages- Expected results, and significance of the work (and who it will directly benefit). If possible, include a statement of best practice that you hope to be able to support or defend 0.25 to 1page- Qualifications. What special background or access will make this study successful? What experience do you and your probable advisor have in this area? 0.5 to 1-page Summary/Tentative Conclusions. 5 to 10- lines Project Schedule: The project schedule should provide both (1) expected completion dates and (2) worst-case completion dates for all major stages in the project, possibly including the completion of the literature review, design of questionnaire, Human Subject Committee review, data collection, data analysis, completion of the rough draft, etc. (Even if you do not know the actual dates, this assignment should give fictitious dates to give you some practice.)

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