Outline the additional stakeholders, and community consultation which should take place- who this will need to include
Public Health Project Plan: Health Promotion
Assignment (essay details):
Public Health Promotion Project (maximum 2000 words)
Word Count: maximum 2000(excluding End-text References List)
Topic: Public Health Project Plan: Health Promotion
Assignment Criteria: Choose a modifiable risk factor for chronic disease (for example COPD- risk factor of smoking)
Prepare a detailed and innovative health promotion project plan for your chosen modifiable risk factor for an Australian community (Indigenous or non-Indigenous). This needs to be your innovative idea, not reused from a current or past health promotion project.
This should be in the form of one of the following:
· Education on modifiable risk factor awareness and/or prevention
· Modifiable risk factor /chronic condition symptom management
Your health promotion should include:
1. A specific target group and community (choose- that contributes to making your health promotion innovative)
2. A brief outline of why this public health promotion is beneficial for the Australian population– how you anticipate it will improve health outcomes for the chosen community
3. What your goals and aims for your health promotion are (review the SMART mnemonic on page 215 of Fleming & Parker 3E)
4. You should identify which of the Public Health promotion management perspectives this falls into (primary, secondary or tertiary- see page 316 Fleming & Parker 3E)
5. Outline the additional stakeholders, and community consultation which should take place- who this will need to include
6. A specific original health message/ logo that you have developed to suit your health promotion (for example: If you can play you can play)
7. An outline of what the health promotion activity will entail and how you will promote this to the target group (newspaper, sports event, school visit, radio- what will work for your target audience)
8. An outline of how you plan to evaluate the success of your health promotion
Note: **This is not medical surgical nursing- it is health promotion aimed at the community level- so please do not focus on pathophysiology.
Any health statistics used for your assignment can be based on the overall Australian population (You may not find data for a specific suburb).
Presentation: Essay format, font 12pt either calibri or arial preferred. 1.5 spacing. – use the writing template file provided. Headings are okay to use. No tables, point form or diagrams please. Use third person (no I or me) in academic writing and write as if this is something you intend to do (i.e.: The health promotion aims to….)
References: Reference list at end of document using APA 6th style, at least 12 references (dated past 5 years) research articles (reference does not contribute to word count).