Peer Response: The student responds substantively to at least one topic-related post by a student peer.

Peer Response: The student responds substantively to at least one topic-related post by a student peer. A substantive post adds content or insights or asks a question that will add to the learning experience and/or generate discussion. A post of I agree with a repeat of the other students post does not count as a substantive post. A collection of shallow posts does not equal a substantive post. I am responding to the following peer essay: A concern that I have in my current practice area occurs at a micro level affecting patients and their families. The lack of education and mass hiring of new graduates has been an issue in my current practice. As more seasoned nurses are retiring, we have many new graduates filling the seasoned nurses job vacancies. The problem that I encounter as a charge nurse is the lack of hospital education provided but the high expectations the hospital places on the graduates entering onto floors that are heavy and require experience. I think the issue could be addressed in a couple different ways. The first would be to hire new graduates to the medical surgical floors. I would than place incentives such as bonuses and higher pay in the more critical units such as telemetry, step down and the intensive care unit. I would make some sort of ladder system for nurses to grow as they go up the ladder and progress to more difficult units caring for patients with more complex diagnosis. This will enable the new graduates to get their feet wet slowly and allow better patient care to be provided by more experienced nurses. Some hospitals do use career ladder systems, but I believe they lack in the aspect of encouraging nurses to move up the ladder by way of more difficult and challenging nursing floors. Assessment of various nursing competencies in scientific, technical, ethical, aesthetic, and existential dimensions of clinical practice remains necessary to evaluate professionalism in a creative, innovative, and original way (Kim, Jung, Min, Song, Ok, and Lim, 2017). If we assess skills yearly in a more direct way to make sure these nurses are capable of handling complex cases and then offer them to move up to the next level, it will continually motivate nurses to learn more and be the best nurse they can for their patients. My impact would affect the mesosystem by means of requiring the managers and head nurses to do a more thorough review and evaluation of their nurses. It would affect the macrolevel financially with offering more incentives and pay, however it could cause less risk management cases or possible patient neglect related to lack of experience. Interprofessional collaboration could be used to resolve this issue by using communication and teamwork to initiate a new program that could facilitate safer patient care and growth needed for nurses to continue in their career paths (Granheim, 2018).

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