Pick a topic that interests you, that you establish your thesis/argument, that you chart out 3-4 argumentative points that can serve as your paragraphs
Pick a topic that interests you, that you establish your thesis/argument, that you chart out 3-4 argumentative points that can serve as your paragraphs
Read the book Metamorphosis and other stories(chapter metamorphosis)( by Franz Kafka) How does he show the anger, animosity, and evil lurking beneath the veneer of a loving family? To what ends? The test consists of you writing one essay response to one of the following questions. As with your previous essay, you must use proper essay structure. For the test, you can use your book. The questions have already been posted on Brightspace, which gives you time to prepare your response; as a result, my expectations are higher for this test than they would be otherwise. Prepare notes for the essay, be it jot notes outlining your structure or even rough drafts. For the test, you can bring in a sheet with your thesis statement (not your introductory paragraph), and your 3-4 supporting points in jot note form. This will be handed in with the test, and part of your mark will be based on this. When it comes to preparing, Pick a topic that interests you, that you establish your thesis/argument, that you chart out 3-4 argumentative points that can serve as your paragraphs and help to support that thesis, and that you find the relevant passages/quotations that you will use for support in your essay. When it comes to quoting from the text in the test, shorter passages can be quoted in their entirety, while longer passages (anything more than three lines) can be quoted with the first few words, an ellipsis, and then the last words, e.g. “I have perhaps not yet learnt enough … now with my other eyes” (161-62). If you use the editions used in class, then you do not need to include the publication information at the end of the test; however, if you do use another text or printout, you must include the publication information (you will lose points if you do not).