Prepare and analyse the cultural profile and management practices of the local area in which you will be operating.
International Management : very critical case study on an imaginary company
Critical and Analytical Please be aware that on this case study I insist on quality words only and short sentences, there is no tolerant on adding an information which is unnecessary, UK academic English ONLY. I will provide you with a file where I introduced my company and you must stick to this company and analyse it and evaluate it very critically. YOU MUST READ ALL ATTACHMENT THAT IM PROVIDING. ?TASK : Prepare a report for the company introduced earlier in your Assignment 1: ?Prepare and analyse the cultural profile and management practices of the local area in which you will be operating. You MAY (dont have to do them all, i prefer few aspect with deep analysis rather than all aspects on general ) discuss such issues as: What are the workers going to be like? What kind of reception do you anticipate from local governments, and so on? What leadership style might be most effective in this environment? Justify. ?State and evaluate the staffing policy and other HR aspects you will consider, explain your rationale. ?Critically evaluate communication problems that you may face in the host-country working environment. Being Critical and Analytical Justifying every approach and decision by giving positives and limitations /(problems) and justify. Focus on particular aspects of the assignment and critical discuss it. Bring discussion from literature (this writer said this and this followed with this while that writer said that and this) Use framework but discuss them( you must approach framework critically ) any critics must be cited and supported with sources. (im using this framework but there are limitations and im aware of them) Bring all contrasts and dilemmas and problems into the work Evaluation and which approach you are taking and why justify everything. You must follow the lecture slides to see what topics are covered in the module in order to link it to this case study. ?The length of this assignment is 2000 words (+/- 10%).