Read Chapter 3 In Grohar-Murray M.E. & Langan J. C. (2011). Leadership and management in nursing (4th ed.).

Read Chapter 3 In Grohar-Murray M.E. & Langan J. C. (2011). Leadership and management in nursing (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
Please note that I currently work as the Assistant director of Nursing in a rehabilitation center ( Nursing home) please refer to this in this paper wherever it fits
Please use the Assignment 5 Rubric (below) to create an outline of the assignment. Each section of the rubric should be a section of the final paper and could become the headings.
Answer the questions on the Communication Style Evaluation in your text (page 76) of and appraise the list of communication skills that follow the questions. In a 3 page paper in APA format write a summary of your communication style
Read Chapter 3 In Grohar-Murray M.E. & Langan J. C. (2011). Leadership and management in nursing (4th ed.). Upper Saddle River NJ: Prentice Hall.
o Provide your answers to the Communication Style Evaluation questions
o Summarize your communication style
o What areas would you like to develop and why?
o What resources would you use and why? Include a minimum of two scholarly references
Assignment 5 Rubric
Competency 1816 points 157 points 61 points 0 points Points Earned
Answers all of the questions on the communication style evaluation with detail. Answers al 5l of the questions on the communication style evaluation with detail. Answers all 5 of questions on the communication style evaluation lacks detail. Answers less than 5 questions on the communication style evaluation. Does not answer questions on the communication style evaluation. /18
Summarizes communication style Summarizes communication style with detail. Summarizes communication style with little detail. Inadequate summary of communication style. Does not summarize communication style /18
Identifies areas requiring development with good detail. Identifies areas requiring development with good detail. Identifies areas requiring development with little detail. Identifies areas requiring development with no detail. Does not identify areas requiring development. /18
Explains why these areas need development. Explains why these areas need development with good detail. Explains why these areas need development with little detail Inadequate explanation of why these areas need development Does not explain why these areas need development. /18
Supports selection of resources for these areas of development. Supports selection of resources for these areas of development. Identifies 3 or more resources for areas of development but does not support selection Identifies less than 3 resources for areas of development Does not identify resources for areas of development /18
Competency 108 points 75 points 41 points Points Earned Points Earned
Spelling grammar punctuation mechanics usage and typing
APA Organization is logical ideas are clear and transitions are smooth.
Spelling grammar punctuation mechanics and usage correct and consistent with Standard American English.
No typographical errors.
References are relevant scholarly and contemporary.
Correct APA format. Organization good ideas usually clear and transitions usually smooth.
Spelling grammar punctuation mechanics and usage good and consistent with Standard American English; errors do not interfere with meaning or understanding.
There are a few minor typographical errors.
Minimum two references are relevant scholarly and contemporary
Minimal APA format errors. Organization minimally effective problems with clarity and/or transitions.
Spelling grammar punctuation mechanics and usage distracting and could interfere with meaning or understanding.
There are multiple typographical errors
One reference is relevant scholarly and contemporary.
Poor use of APA format Organization does not meet requirements.
Spelling grammar punctuation mechanics and/or usage interfere with understanding and do not reflect scholarly writing. There are major typographical errors.
Poor use and/or selection of references or no references.
No use of APA format. /10
Total /100

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