Research Paper on bioclimatic and environmental ethics and sociobiography
Research Paper on bioclimatic and environmental ethics and sociobiography
Strong Thesis is needed! In the way of for environmental benefit Our hope in this course is that students will not only analyze the nature of a number of contemporary bioethical issues but will also try to understand why it is that value issues continually arise in discussions of these problems and why it is that we tend to take different positions on many of these concerns. Although we may think that our opinions are simply the result of serious, objective reflection, such is rarely the whole story. Our opinions on the issues of this coursethe role of science, truth-telling in medical practice, reproductive rights, and so oncarry with them all kinds of assumptions and cultural biases. To do good ethics, one should at least be conscious of some of these influences and/or biases. Therefore, rather than simply asking for a standard research paper, we ask that students include at least some sociobiographical reflection in their final paper. You will choose one of two directions for the paper (your paper should be either of these, not both). There are 2 options: 1 and 2 and I chose 2nd option. Although our lives take place in society, we often think of our value systems as somehow non-historical, divorced from the larger socio-political events happening around us. When we reflect on the events that have shaped our lives and our values, most of our recollections involve people and events. Often, however, these people and these events are viewed as somehow disconnected from social institutions and processes and from the powerful political and economic forces that in fact shape much of our reality. lt is important, therefore, to periodically reflect on how history and social structure intersect in one’s own life. It is culturally and politically important that we stay in touch with our own broader cultural history. Under Option 2 (research paper plus sociobiography), you will basically do a research paper which will include some sociobiographical reflection. There are usually three parts to a full sociobiography (although you may recast this as you choose so long as you cover the major emphases noted). We expect that you will need to discuss some of these matters with family and/or friends to complete the assignment. (You may be surprised to discover how perceptive your parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles may be on some of these issues.) Under Option 2, you will only be able to deal with a few of these sociobiographical concerns. Self in society: This is the descriptive section. Here you will try to locate yourself within the social structure by considering how and why you fit into its various stratifications. What was the particular society into which you were born and how does that fit into the larger national and/or world system? Consider your family’s place in the social order by tracing its roots back to at least your grandparents generation. What were the big events (social movements, emigrations, wars, vocations, economic ups and downs) that help explain your family’s history and present status and the values that affected their actions? Society in Self: This is the values section. The focus here is your socialization. Briefly, what cultural values did your family transmit to you? How were they reinforced, reinterpreted, or rejected by alternative social forcesschools, religions, cultural groupings, and so on? How did these family values relate to the larger forces functioning in the society (economic, political) and to your family’s class position in the larger society? How did social/economic class affect your values? Self vs. Society: The self is not simply made; it goes on remaking itself in the midst of new experience. Consider some of the biographical transitions that have brought you to where you are today. Consider some of the similarities and differences between your parent’s attitudes and values and your own. What are some of the conflicts between your own values and goals and your early socialization? What are some of the conflicts you feel with the larger institutional values of the society? What does all of this mean for you in your attempt to develop a clear and consistent set of values? How have these factors influenced your own bioethical philosophy? Option 2: Choose a bioethical issue (Will be climate change and environmental issue) covered in the course of special interest to you. Research it with the references and write about it in a traditional research paper manner. Then step back and in the conclusion sociobiographically assess why it is that you feel the way you do about the issue. You will not be able to do a full sociobiography under this option, but at least mention the role of class, race, gender, and family influence in this conclusion. Your paper should include an introduction with a strong thesis statement, support for the thesis statement in the body with strong and clear topic sentences supported by cited materials from sources, and a conclusion that summarizes your argument and restates your thesis in other words and that (perhaps) elaborates briefly on the significance of the topic and your thesis more generally.