Respond to at least two of your colleagues posts by offering a possible resolution to their question/concern with supporting documentation, if possible, or expanding on their thinking and providing an example as support.
Respond to at least two of your colleagues posts by offering a possible resolution to their question/concern with supporting documentation, if possible, or expanding on their thinking and providing an example as support. Be sure to offer support from at least 2 current, credible sources in each required response to classmates main post and cite per APA. This is the post that needs a response. My goal is to become a psychiatric nurse practitioner, it has always been my passion to work in the mental health field. However, I knew that making the decision to go back to school would be a sacrifice in terms of both money and time. Based on the information in the Walden online psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner brochure, there is a critical need for mental health services and improved access to these services. The demand for psychiatric nurse is expected to grow by 20%. (Walden, 2019). However, I live in Miami ,Florida and I have friends who have graduated with a degree as a nurse practitioner and find it challenging to find a job. I wanted to know what has been the experience of my peers as it relates to demand and job opportunities for psychiatric nurse practitioners. Based on the article outlying successful tips for online students it is noted that some of the key determinants to success are, time management skills and motivation (Kaufman, 2015). I feel that I am very motivated and possess many of the characteristics pointed out in the 10 traits of a successful online learner. However, my time is very limited. I would like to know strategies used by classmates who have been able to manage their time effectively. References: Kauffman, H. (2015). A review of predictive factors of student success in and satisfaction with online learning. Research in Learning Technology, 23, 1-13. Retrieved from Online Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner MSN Degree: Walden University. (n.d.). Retrieved July 2, 2019, from Online Colleges.(2011, July 14). 10 traits of a successful online learner. Retrieved from: