role of community counselors, therapists, paraprofessionals, volunteers and clinical administrators across various civilian and military settings where services are provided to mental health patients/clients and other allied populations (e.g., medical health care).

October 1, 2019 Off All,

REACTION PAPERS Introduction to Community Counseling & Mental Health: The reaction paper is designed to allow the student to consider a topic or conceptual area within the field of Introduction to Community Counseling & Mental Health. Focus is on that which is of special interest to the individual student. The below summarizes some of the areas that a student may wish to consider during any consideration of their area of interest for this reaction paper.Summary of Introduction to Community Counseling & Mental Health: Counseling and mental healthservice provision across various community setting. This includes the role of community counselors, therapists, paraprofessionals, volunteers and clinical administrators across various civilian and military settings where services are provided to mental health patients/clients and other allied populations (e.g., medical health care). This includes triaged assistance to those seeking mental health outpatient, day treatment, residential and crisis intervention services. Other settings considered include medical hospitals,schools/universities, churches/religious institutions, criminal justice systems (e.g., jails, prisons, brigs, courts, NCIS, and police departments) and social/protective/family advocacy civilian and military services. Special issues include response to mass casualties and catastrophes.The student will engage in a literature search producing 2-4 full text articles] as a starting point for the paper. The paper must be written in APA format,EACH PAPER SHOULD HAVE THE FOLLOWING LABELED SECTIONS :Title page: (1 pg.) I. Abstract: Very briefly summarize paper (6-8 sentences). Usually completed after II, III, IV.(5%; 1 pg.) II. Introduction:Introduce reader to reaction paper, setting the stage as to its relevance. (1-2 pgs.) III. Literature Review:Critical and objective consideration of your 2-4 fulltext articles. ( 3-4 pgs.) IV. DiscussionSummary of your reaction to the articles, including their implications and limitation. ( 2 pgs.)Insight gained in your area of interest as you conclude this exercise. V. References: list references used in literature review (articles), APA style (see below article) (10%; 1-2 pgs.))Appendix:Optional for any info supportive of paper’s text. Likely not used in this reaction paper.(Intangibles: Not a section of paper, but credit given for scoring beyond sections I-V. (10%)

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