Select a practice problem of interest to use as the focus of your research.Pick something you are passionate about and might use in your final Capstone project

Week 1: Assignment 1 : PICOT and Literature Search Paper.The first step of the EBP process is to develop a question from the nursing practice problem of interest.
Select a practice problem of interest to use as the focus of your research.Pick something you are passionate about and might use in your final Capstone project. So think ahead!
Start with the patient and identify the clinical problems or issues that arise from clinical care.
Following the PICOT format, write a PICOT statement in your selected practice problem area of interest, which is applicable to your proposed capstone project.In the paper, you must include the actual complete statement like the example I provided below. You can also include the breakdown of each letter and what you have identified in your problem if you wish but I have to have the actual full statement for you to get full points.
P-Population (who are you going to focus on)
I-Intervention (what would you do to intervene on your problem you identified?)
C-Comparison (what would you use as a comparison to your intervention?)
O- Outcome (what would you expect the outcome to be?)
T- Time frame (how long would you take to see a change?)
For the ventilated Intensive Care Patient (ICU), does the use of chlorhexidine based oral care as compared to standard oral care measures decrease the risk of Ventilator Acquired Pneumonia (VAP) during their stay in the ICU?
Literature Search:
Conduct a literature search to locate research articles focused on your selected practice problem of interest. This literature search should include both quantitative and qualitative peer-reviewed research articles to support your practice problem.
Select six peer-reviewed research articles which will be utilized through the next 5 weeks as reference sources. Be sure that some of the articles use qualitative research and that some use quantitative research. Create a reference list in which the six articles are listed. Beneath each reference include the article’s abstract.You may copy and paste the abstract over since we are not going through TII. The completed assignment should have a title page and a reference list with abstracts. Remember all papers that are not from a school generated template have to have a title page!!
Suggestions for locating qualitative and quantitative research articles from credible sources:
1. Use a library database such as CINAHL Complete for your search.
2. Using the advanced search page check the box beside “Research Article” in the “Limit Your Results” section.
3. When setting up the search you can type your topic in the top box, then add quantitative or qualitative as a search term in one of the lower boxes. Research articles often are described as qualitative or quantitative.
To narrow/broaden your search, remove the words qualitative and quantitative and include words that narrow or broaden your main topic. For example: Diabetes and pediatric and dialysis. To determine what research design was used; review the abstract and the methods section of the article. The author will provide a description of data collection using qualitative or quantitative methods.
Prepare this assignment according to APA Style.
This assignment uses a rubric. Always review a Rubric before you start and then before you submit an assignment so you make sure you are not missing anything. The Rubric is the tool I use to grade, so if it’s on the Rubric, I am looking for it and it’s worth points!!
Please spell and grammar check your papers before you turn them in, that’s worth points too!!! Any Red or Greenunderlining means you didn’t spell/grammar check.
You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

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