Select a social media platform. Discuss how information about news and current events flows through the platform between individual users and/or groups.

Written assignment: Research Essay For this assignment you will write a 1,500-word essay on one topic of your choice from the following list: 1. Select a film, TV show, sport, or musician with a public online fan community. Using examples from this online community, discuss how this community engages with the original work, and what new meanings are created by these examples of fan participation. 2. Select a social media platform. Discuss how information about news and current events flows through the platform between individual users and/or groups. You should identify one or two specific news stories and examine the networks that they flow through and how the network shapes the information that is communicated. 3. Select a television episode from a series that reflects a genre of your choice. Discuss how this genre-story provides examples of social commentary, masking them within the common characteristics of the genre. 4. Select a videogame. Discuss how this game creates an embodied relationship with the player, and what methods the game uses to cause players to identify with the the game world and the story and characters within it. You should refer to the appropriate readings available on C4 and also find additional academic resources from public libraries and academic databases to provide evidence for your discussion and support your arguments. How to find appropriate resources for your essay will be discussed in class. All resources that you refer to must be properly cited in the text of your essay (using an appropriate and consistent citation format of your choice) and also be listed in a bibliography at the end of your essay. You must also include your name and ID number at the beginning of your assignment. Your assignments will be marked according to the following criteria: Knowledge and understanding – Your essay should include a detailed discussion of concepts relevant to this course that demonstrates to the reader your knowledge and understanding of the material. You must include a discussion of the appropriate assigned reading on C4, and also include additional academic materials in your essay that closely related to your topic, drawing primarily from academic work in the field of media and communications. Analysis and discussion Your discussion should include your own analysis of academic theories and concepts and how they are applied to your topic, and closely relate these to a small number of well-identified examples. You should avoid being descriptive and focus your discussion on the meanings and implications of these concepts in light of your topic. You should also direct your discussion towards an argument that makes a clear conclusion about your topic. Academic skills – Assignments should be written using clear language and carefully proofread. All references, quotations, and paraphrased passages must be properly cited and appear in your bibliography. The topic of your essay and any resources you cite must be available in English or have full English translations, as it is the language of instruction for this course. Among the above five topics please choose the one which you can make the best not the easiest one. this is the source you can use to refer as a reference. and you can use other referneces as well.

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