Select five nursing research reports from an online database relating to the selected research clinical issue.
Select five nursing research reports from an online database relating to the selected research clinical issue. One report must be a qualitative report, one must be a
quantitative report, and the rest can be either.
• In a five-page paper, one page for each research report, present a summary of each report using the table format presented below, which can be copied and pasted as
needed or downloaded from the “Course Documents” folder at the top section of the course Web site. A reference page is not required, since references for each article
will be cited in the table.
Sample Table for Written Assignment 2
Title of research article Use APA format for title:
Struthers, S. (2008). Nurse staffing and quality. Journal of Critical Care Quality, 23(3), 1-31.
Type of research study Qualitative
Purpose of study Example: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of nurse staffing and organizational support for nursing care on: a) nurses’
dissatisfaction with their jobs, b) nurse burnout, c) quality of patient care, d) patient satisfaction, and e) nurse errors.
Note: Also include a brief summary that addresses the reasons the author(s) give of why this study was done.
Methods/sample Example: This was a descriptive method using a survey tool. The sample was comprised of 30 nurses from three states.
Results Example: Dissatisfaction, nurse burnout, and concern about the quality of patient care being given was a common theme of the nurses surveyed.
[Report the results of the study, statistics used, conclusions]
Limitations There were a limited number of participants in the sample.
Conclusions The themes of dissatisfaction, burnout, and concern for rendering quality care require further investigation as to their relationship to the quality of
nursing care provided.
[MO6.2, 6.3]
For guidance on the use of APA format refer to the APA publication manual. Alternatively, within your course site, click Student Resources at the top of the page then
Educational Resources and Writing Style Guides. Within the guides, search for “APA Style.”
Note: These directions and the grading rubric for this assignment (see the Evaluation Rubrics folder of the course) will be used to evaluate and grade your assignment.
Please refer to the details of each when preparing your assignment.