Select one of the five postulates of contemporary psychodynamic theory identified by Westen (1998) in his comprehensive article on the scientific legacy of Sigmund Freud.

Answer the following three short-answer questions (250 words for each answer, approximately 750 words per assignment): Select one of the five postulates of contemporary psychodynamic theory identified by Westen (1998) in his comprehensive article on the scientific legacy of Sigmund Freud. Briefly, explain the importance of that postulate and its implications for the practice of psychodynamic counselling. How do Adlerian counsellors use clients early recollections as part of the lifestyle assessment? How can clients in counselling benefit from the application of Jungs theory of psychological types? Link is here : Westen, D. (1998). The scientific legacy of Sigmund Freud: Toward a psychodynamically informed psychological science. Psychological Bulletin, 124(3), 333-371. Retrieved from,cookie,ip,uid&db=pdh&AN=1998-11174-003

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