Select one of the following NMBA Registered Nurse Standards for Practice (2016) from the Nursing Competency Assessment Schedule (NCAS) document:

The purpose of this assessment to demonstrate beginning skills in critical thinking, clinical
reasoning, clinical judgement, and reflective practice; through the use of a professional portfolio.

1. Watch the video vignette demonstrating TPR assessment

2. Select one of the following NMBA Registered Nurse Standards for Practice (2016) from the Nursing Competency Assessment Schedule (NCAS) document:
a) Standard 2: Engages in therapeutic and professional relationships

b) Standard 4: Comprehensively conducts assessments.
3. Using Gibb’s Cycle of Reflection [attached below] is a structured framework, reflect on
the challenges that exist in completing objective and accurate clinical assessment,
and what this will mean for you as a student on clinical placement next semester.
The relevant NCAS Standard (Standard 2 or Standard 4) must be referred to
throughout your reflection.

In the context of this assessment, the NCAS is included as a reference point as it provides some useful detail in relation to Standard 2 (pages 12-13 of NCAS) & Standard 4 (pages 14-15 of NCAS) of the NMBA RN Standards for Practice (1 of which is the focus of the reflection). Those pages give you some detail about what you are looking for when assessing competence of the particular standard.

The reflection is 1200 words and there is no need for an introduction or conclusion. It needs to be referenced in APA style and you need quality literature to support the discussion such as journal articles, research papers from medical databases. It is due the 1st of June but would like it completed before then please.

You will be asked to answer the following questions when submitting a proposal:
Have you done reflective writing before?
Do you have any knowledge about nursing?

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