Select two lesson plans for grades K-6 on one or similar topics intended for general education students from the sample lesson plans provided in Course Home
Assignment: Lesson Plan Analysis Engaging in critical analysis of lesson plans provides candidates with opportunities to learn about teacher instructional decisions and also how to write a better lesson plan later in the course. Please follow these steps: Select two lesson plans for grades K-6 on one or similar topics intended for general education students from the sample lesson plans provided in Course Home. Then, choose a third lesson plan on a similar topic intended for general education students from the Internet. A list of useful websites can be found in the Five Minute Lesson Plans book. Analyze each lesson and critique them regarding goals, objectives, State Common Core and English Language Development standards, structure, instructional strategies, activities, technology applications and assessment techniques. Identify second language strategies used in the lesson. Compare all three plans and find similarities and differences. Explain how these plans differentiate instruction to address the needs of students in the top 1/3 of the class, the middle 1/3, the bottom 1/3, as well as students with special needs, especially English Language Learners. This is called the 1/3 Plus model. Conclude with your suggested improvements. Write a 5-6 page paper with explicit supporting references from a minimum of three different sources, which include textbooks, scholarly books, scholarly journals and electronic readings. In addition, attach a short outline (minimum 200 words) of your own lesson plan on the same or similar topic, in lesson plan format (refer to your Five-Minute Lesson Plans book) to demonstrate your growing knowledge of writing effective lesson plans. DUE SUNDAY WEEK ONE