Should laws governing nursing home be change.Provide an appropriate title and an interesting opening paragraph to appeal to your stated audience

Should laws governing nursing home be change.Provide an appropriate title and an interesting opening paragraph to appeal to your stated audience (appeal with logic, ethics, or emotion).
Should laws governing nursing home be change.
Using your thesis statement and research, present the problem that needs to be addressed with your proposed solution. Note: Your solution, advantages, and challenges, will be in Parts 2 and 3.
Write a three to four (3-4) page paper in which you:

Provide an appropriate title and an interesting opening paragraph to appeal to your stated audience (appeal with logic, ethics, or emotion).
Include a defensible, relevant thesis statement in the first paragraph. (Revised from Assignment 2)
Describe the history and status of the issue and provide an overview of the problem(s) that need to be addressed. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.

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