Symbolic Interactionism

We define in our marriage as oldschool and have morals and want the same for our kids. See the Assignments page of the course and the Course Schedule below for details on assignment requirements and points for each assignment. Assignments will be graded based on use of appropriate grammar and spelling, following correct style APA, and on quality of substance and ability to meet the requirements specified. Grades for the final project will also depend upon the quality and number of sources used. Final Project The Final Project is a major research paper of 8-10 pages using 12 point Times New Roman Font. APA requirements should be followed for all parts of the paper. It is recommended that you use the Purdue Owl website for APA requirements (see the Supplemental Information below). A minimum of ten quality sources obtained from library databases or books from Smiley library or through inter library loan must be used, properly cited in the text of the paper, and listed on a works cited page at the end of the paper. In general, do not use web-based resources without checking with your instructor for approval.( i can have some, but they need to be fact based). The content of the paper should choose from the major theories discussed in the textbook and be a thorough literature review of one of those theories. It should also include an application section where you discuss how the theory can be a significant application to your life and those with whom you are closest (e.g. friends, family, and partners.). Your choice of topic for the paper must be submitted in Week 3 of the course and must be approved by the instructor before proceeding with the paper. Please see the grading rubric for this assignment (posted on the Resources and Materials page of the course) for information on how the finished paper will be evaluated. Final Project-RUBIC Grading Criteria total 260 pts Format The Project follows basic format standards (introduction, supporting paragraphs, conclusion). A clear thesis statement must be present in your introduction, followed by information about the specific theory you have chosen to address within the body paragraphs. 20pts Grammar The Project is clear of grammatical mistakes, including improper (or nonexistent) punctuation, noun/verb agreement, verb tense, misspelling, etc. 30pts Proper Attribution/Sources Student uses at least 10 quality academic sources obtained from library databases or books from Smiley library. Sources were properly cited both within the text and on a works cited page. Citation style follows the APA style manual (copy may be found on the Purdue Owl website) and was consistent throughout the paper. 40pts Informed Analysis The essay clearly demonstrates an understanding of cited academic resources through an objective analysis of the interpersonal communication theory chosen for the assignment from the major theories in the textbook (topic approved before proceeding on paper.) It should review the most important literature on the topic. It should include an application section where you discuss how the chosen theory can be a significant application to your life and those with whom you are closest (e.g. friends, family, partners.) 150 pts Length and Layout The essay is between 8 and 10 pages (not 7.5 or 10.75 pages). Layout: 1 margins, 12 pt Times New Roman font, black lettering, double spaced. Do not assume your computer is set to these specifications. 20pts

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