The barriers of reporting poor practice as a newly qualified nurse.
Hi there, during this assignment (literature review) i would like help with 2 sections of my paper, search strategy and thematic analysis only. My proposed research question is which I picked myself during the assignment: The barriers of reporting poor practice as a newly qualified nurse. (related to transition from student nurse to newly qualified nurse) The search strategy is finding articles as you may be aware, i need to compare 10-15 of these and must relate to the research question, a table format is needed to provide evidence of search and reducing hits. (I have uploaded a short example template of the search strategy table) There is the over view of the assignment brief upload to help understand the assignment , (one is a picture) you Can see the sections in detail. Thank you so much, the section detail is provided below. full context of the assignment to help you is uploaded in the files labelled as PHOTO in uploads, this should help you get a clear understanding of the aim of the assignment due to only having to do 2 section. Thank you for your help SEARCH STRATEGY (1000 words) – Introduction – what is a search strategy and why are you performing one? – formulate a research question why do this? – How did you preform your search? – electronic databases – which ones and why? e.g CINAHL, GOOGLE SCHLOR – search terms – which ones and why? Discuss inclusion and exclusion criteria (why?) – What type of papers are you searching for?(primary research papers) – How did you reduce the number of hits? e.g, year, full text, articles, etc. – consider abstract reviews to reduce hits – Provide a rationale for your strategy – use research texts to evidence your strategy – How many are you left with – aim for 10 – 15 primary research articles – Can you develop a search strategy table to summarise – Critical appraisal tool (examples are uploaded in files of search startegy tables) THEMATIC ANAYLSIS (4000 words) – What is a thematic anaylsis and how did you identify your themes? – Aim for 3 themes, each theme should appear across 4 or more pages e.g, communication, confidence what appears in the articles the most? – Briefly summarise the paper and discuss the findings, comparing and contrasting findingd across the paper – Do the findings agree or disagree with each other? – Critique the research methodology – strengths and limitations of each approach . – Use this to rationalise your discussion relating to the findings. – Consider: Validity, sample size, sampling technique, country of origin, transferability of the findings. – Which findings are most valid taking this critique into account? – Support with supporting evidence (from other sources e.g – NMC, RCN, NICE Government reports) – Use sub headings and examine 1 theme at a time – Always relate the theme back to your overarching topic and REMEMBER your research question