The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to personally reflect on and apply the communication theory from Topics 1 and 2 to your experience of communication in organisational settings.

The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with an opportunity to personally reflect on and apply the communication theory from Topics 1 and 2 to your experience of communication in organisational settings. Choose an organisation or group to which you belong. Ideally this will be in a workplace setting. If you do not have any work experience, choose another organisational setting such as university, social, sporting, religious or voluntary group in which you have experience as a member (Im thinking of choosing university group since it’s more simple or which ever one is easier for you feel free to shoot me a message) Analyse the influence of at least two specific aspects of the theory in each topic (Topic 1: Understanding and working with diverse others and Topic 2: Interpersonal communication from the Crossman 2014 Course Readings). ( i will include both lecture slide for you ) Some of the key ideas from those topics include: Topic 1: Barriers to accepting diversity Prejudices and stereotypes Strategies to build relationships with diverse others Gender similarities and differences Cross-cultural differences Affirmative action vs managing diversity Topic 2: Communication climate Confirming and disconfirming communication (empathy, self-disclosure, humour) Communication and self Communication styles The role of emotions Personality and listening Analyse the impact of the specific factors on the communication that occurs in the group. Hint: When thinking about communication in the group, it would be useful to recall instances of miscommunication or conflict. If you cannot recall any such incidents, perhaps recall a specific project that was successful and consider why this might be the case. Following your reflection and analysis, suggest how individuals or the organisation (including yourself) might contribute to improving communication, again referring to the theory from Topics 1 and 2. As this assignment relates to your own experience, you are encouraged to use the first person (eg. I think, in my opinion, etc) as well as the third person where appropriate. In addition to referring to the Readings for both topics (Crossman 2014*), use a minimum of 4 recent (2010-2019) academic sources to support your analysis. Structure of assignment 1. Title which reflects the content of the assignment 2. Introduction a. Indicate which aspects of the theory in Topics 1 and 2 will be used. b. Provide brief background on the context. For example, describe the organisation, its purpose, your role and the roles of other people in the group. Use pseudonyms to ensure confidentiality. 3. Analysis Use the theory (from the Readings and other academic sources) to reflect on and analyse the communication in your organisation, providing examples to illustrate your points. Use the specific aspects of the theory in Topics 1 and 2 as the framework for this section. a. Communication aspect from Topic 1 b. Communication aspect from Topic 1 c. Communication aspect from Topic 2 d. Communication aspect from Topic 2 4. Conclusion provide a brief summary of the key issues identified. 5. Recommendations Using ideas from the theory, make recommendations for how communication within the group and broader organisation could be improved. 6. References (Harvard style) use the course readings and a minimum of 4 other recent (2010-2019) academic sources (eg peer reviewed journal articles, textbooks and academic reports). Ensure that any quotes are shown correctly in quotation marks and that in-text citations match the reference list. *How to reference the course Readings The course textbook is a compilation of chapters and learning materials from a number of textbooks. To reference an idea from Topic 4: Intercultural communication, for example, your in-text reference simply needs to provide the original reference and then cite the Readings book, as in the following example: According to Northhouse (2007, p. 338), culture is the commonly shared beliefs, values and norms of people (cited in Crossman 2014, p. 119). For the above in-text citation, the full reference in the reference list is simply the Course Readings book: Crossman, J 2014, Communications and organisations, University of South Australia, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill Education, Australia.

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