The Young Housewife” by William Carlos Williams and “The Cars” by Kathleen Fraser

This is a comparative analysis of the works “The Young Housewife” by William Carlos Williams and “The Cars” by Kathleen Fraser// The purpose of the comparison will be to answer, over the course of the essay, via close reading, the following questions: Is the car a poetic object? and What has been the purpose of studying the automobile in a literary context? //This essay needs:a title, an introduction with a thesis statement, a body paragraphs with topic sentences and examples, a conclusion. //Body paragraphs should engage in close reading, which means paying attention to language: the how as well as the what. Elements of the style you might wish to address include: tone, diction, metaphors, rhythm, sounds, syntax, sentence-length/line-length, repetition, musicality, lexical fields, tense, pronouns…close attention needs to be paid to FORM and CONTENT// thanks!

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