There are multiple ways of looking at the data set #3. Depending on the question you might ask, you might develop a different chart.
Questions 1,3,4,5,6,7 can be answered on one pag
One page for the Pareto Chart and questions 8,9,10
Value Stream Map can be squeezed wherever there’s space please.
Updates based on student questions below:
Q1b. The “best practices” refer to the proven approaches mentioned in the JC article. The question is strictly self-contained, though it also asks to suggest what other best practices they might have considered – for this, feel free to be creative, or do some outside research.
– the abbreviations in steps are irrelevant to the exercise
– the Computer Input time can be considered VA or NVA. On one hand, it does not directly impact the well-being of the patient (therefore it can be counted as part of the overhead, and thus NVA); on the other hand, it does create a better information flow and patient record (therefore, in the long run, it can be considered VA). Therefore, one can make an argument either way – as long as you support it.
– There are multiple ways of looking at the data set #3. Depending on the question you might ask, you might develop a different chart. It is important to identify the question whose answer you are seeking to illustrate with your Pareto chart and discuss that answer.
– the cost per item for article #1910 is missing — please use $1.0694 (the same as for item #1960)
Q9. We discussed in class about the importance of leadership, and the qualities of the leadership given the times healthcare is going through right now. Focus on the qualities of a leader, rather than the structure of the management team (for example, the fact that there needs to be financial oversight is a management characteristic, and no organization can function without it. However, many organizations are functioning without inspired leaders, albeit at a disadvantage, and this quality is what would help an organization thrive or navigate the difficult times in healthcare, especially as they relate to quality improvement. I am interested in the latter kind of qualities, rather than the former).