Think about how the issues you discuss impact and relate to the way you perceive your own practice.

Aim: Respond to one of the questions listed below in a thoughtful and informed way. Take a position and develop a well structured, logical, and convincing argument to support it. Draw on relevant literature and personal experience to provide context for your argument and use appropriate imagery to illustrate your points. Objective: Develop an argument in response to one of the essay questions in the section below. Examine and think critically about design as a social practice and what this means in the context of the question you choose to address. Choose specific examples to provide context for your argument and draw on appropriate sources and imagery to support your ideas. Cite your sources accurately and consistently. Think about how the issues you discuss impact and relate to the way you perceive your own practice. You can draw on an example of your own work or your process to contextualise the position your present in your essay. Method: Consider the following essay questions: Do designers have a social and/or ethical responsibility? Explain why or why not. Examine a wide variety of sources that explore design and design thinking, including design history and contemporary criticism. Think about what these ideas mean to the way that design is practiced and consider designs role in society and what impact it has, or could have. Also consider sources from cultural studies and the social sciences. Support your argument with evidence from appropriate peer-reviewed literature and use images to provide context. Assessment: Submit a 2000 word essay (minimum) + references and bibliography using an appropriate and consistently applied referencing style of your choice (Chicago preferred). Use images as necessary. You must submit your file using the learnonline site as a Word (.doc or .docx) file only. Please use the essay document template supplied (below) and ensure your document it named and titled accordingly. Your file should be saved according to the following example: thornton.c_assignment_1.docx This is an illustrated essay assignment and as such you must provide visual examples to support your argument. You can use as many images as is necessary to adequately illustrate your points but do not include anything that is not absolutely necessary. All images from other source must be properly referenced. Images of your own work should be stated as such along with a short statement explaining the context of when and why the work was created. You must draw on at least 5 relevant sources and, by means of appropriate referencing, clearly demonstrate in your text how you are exploring these authors ideas. At least 2 sources must be new ones you have identified, not only those already on the course reading list. All sources must be credible, academic, peer-reviewed texts. Keep in mind, in addition to when you use someone else’s words, you must also cite authors every time you draw on their ideas to support your own. I want Chicago style refference.

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