Thinking theologically, what normative principle(s) should govern marriage or marriage-related practices?
Thinking theologically, what normative principle(s) should govern marriage or marriage-related practices?
**Embedded Assignment. students are asked to write a short paper (78 pages) focusing on a practice both as it is appears in the New Testament and as it relates to contemporary application. Marriage is the practice you will write about this semester. This exercise above all requires analysis/description of marriage in its ancient cultural and theologicali.e., Christiancontext. Helpful diagnostic questions include: What terms/concepts are employed to describe marriage? How is marriage related to other relevant concepts/practices such as celibacy, divorce, widowhood? How does the New Testaments cultural milieu influence its treatment of marriage? Do issues of identity (gender and sexuality, class, age, etc.) play a role? How do the various NT conceptions of marriage compare with what is found in the Hebrew Bible? How does the treatment of marriage correlate with prominent themes/aims of the relevant NT compositions? Do they reinforce one another? Contradict? Sit in tension This analysis of the ancient perspective on marriage reflected in the New Testament and its cultural context should command the most attention (and space) in your paper. In addition to utilizing relevant secondary resources, your discussion must interact with specific examples from three of the following sections of the New Testament: Gospels & Acts; Pauline Letters; Catholic Epistles; and Revelation. Secondarily, this assignment calls for evaluation of contemporary perspectives on marriage. You are asked to articulate your denomination or formative ecclesial networks position on marriage and related issues (e.g., divorce, celibacy, widowhood, gender, identity). How does this compare with NT perspectives? Thinking theologically, what normative principle(s) should govern marriage or marriage-related practices? In addition to your course texts (NRSV , Boring, Throckmorton), you should consult and reference four other scholarly sources in your paper. scholarlyhint: Wikipedia does not qualify! Be sure to cite your sources using either Turabian or SBL style. Embedded Assignment should follow these specifications: Typed Times New Roman font Double-spacing (no extra spacing between paragraphs) Indented paragraphs 1-inch margins (top/bottom/left/right) Page numbering (bottom-center) Footnotes vs. in-text notes or endnotes (EXCEPTION: in-text chapter/verse citations) Rough drafts of papers are due April 9.