This 1,000 word essay requires students to analyse the relationship between ideological message and aesthetic strategies in any advertisement of your choice, drawing on ideas from 2 readings in Weeks 2-6 of the course.
Gender, Media and Consumer Societies
This 1,000 word essay requires students to analyse the relationship between ideological message and aesthetic strategies in any advertisement of your choice, drawing on ideas from 2 readings in Weeks 2-6 of the course. The ad can be from visual print media (newspaper, magazine, billboard, internet) or audiovisual media (commercial). must draw at least two reading and reference on it , might be quote if needed and please provide 10 reference ( including in-text) **do not use all the reference i provide below as the question said drawing on ideas from 2 readings in Weeks 2-6 of the course. week 2: Gill, R. (2007). Postfeminist media culture: Elements of a sensibility. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 10(2), 147166. doi:10.1177/1367549407075898 ISSN: 1367-5494,1460-3551 Dosekun, S. (2015). For Western Girls Only?: Post-feminism as transnational culture. Feminist Media Studies, 15(6), 116. ISSN: 1468-0777 week 3: Feasey, R. (2009). Spray more, get more: masculinity, television advertising and the Lynx effect. Journal of Gender Studies, 18(4), 357368. doi:10.1080/09589230903260027 ISSN: 0958-9236 Prianti, D. D. (2018). Towards the westernized body: a popular narrative reinforced by mens lifestyle magazines in Indonesia. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 19(1), 103116. ISSN: 1464-9373 week 4: Williams, L. (2014). Pornography, porno, porn: thoughts on a weedy field. Porn Studies, 1(12), 2440. ISSN: 2326-8743 McKee, A., Albury, K., & Lumby, C. (2008). Dirty/ Old? Men? The consumers of pornography. In The porn report (pp. 2447). Melbourne University Publishing, Carlton, Vic.?: Melbourne University Publishing. week 5: Taylor, A. (2016). The (unsuccessful) reality television make under: Class, illegitimate femininities, and resistance in Snog, Marry, Avoid. Outskirts, 35. ISSN: 1445-0445 Jian, M., & Liu, C.-D. (2009). Democratic entertainment commodity and unpaid labor of reality TV: a preliminary analysis of Chinas Supergirl. Inter-Asia Cultural Studies, 10(4), 524543. ISSN: 1464-9373, EISSN: 1469-8447 week 6: Gillota, D. (2013). Ethnic Humor in Multiethnic America. Piscataway: Rutgers University Press. (P.1-19) Chapter 5 ISBN: 9780813561509,0813561507,0813561493,9780813561493 Marx, N. (2016). Expanding the Brand: Race, Gender, and the Post-politics of Representation on Comedy Central. Television & New Media, 17(3), 272287. doi:10.1177/1527476415577212 ISSN: 1527-4764