Using either websites, texts or journal articles, provide a brief outline of the effects of the disability you have chosen as your case study on your body, including the impact of your condition on everyday functioning.

there is no topic please select the first case study.

Assessment description: You are to produce a report, using the sections below as a guide with a maximum word limit of 2500 words (statement of case study, Section C table and reference list are not included). The aim of assessment in this module is to simulate an experience of disability to provide you with some insights of what this would be like. It is recommended that you write in first person e.g. I am a 35 year old and so on.
Section A: Choose a case study
You need to choose one case study of a person with a disability from the following list and consider what it would be like to live for one whole day with this condition. The severity of your selected disability is at a level where it is causing significant challenges to your quality of life. You are no longer able to work in your previous occupation and can now work a maximum of 5 hours per week (if at all). You will need to consider the home you currently live in. If you had to live with the disability you have selected (below), what difficulties would you face in continuing to live at your present address?
The list of case studies to choose from are:
1. Acquired Brain injury (Traumatic “ 12 months post injury): You are a 35 year old female
living in Cloncurry in North Western Queensland with your husband and 1 small child.
2. Paraplegia (Complete “ Level Thoracic 6) (12 months post injury): You are a 33 year female
living in Ayr in North Queensland. You live with your husband and 2 school age children.
3. Huntington™s Disease (advanced ): You are a 36 year old man living
with your wife and 2 teenage sons in Emerald in Central Queensland.
4. Multiple Sclerosis (5 years post diagnosis): You are a 41 year old man living with
your sister and her 2 primary school aged children in Goondiwindi in South West Queensland.
5. End Stage Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (requiring 24 hour/day oxygen):
You are a 48 year old female living alone in Miles in South West Queensland.

Example statement of the case study:
¢ I am a 35 year female living in Roma in Western Queensland. I live with my husband and 2 school age children. My home is low set with 4 steps, and has 2 levels inside with my bedroom and bathroom on the upper level. It is also important to include a short statement about any challenges you would face living in your current home as your case study.

Section B: Disability Awareness (Total 700 words)
1. Using either websites, texts or journal articles, provide a brief outline of the effects of the disability you have chosen as your case study on your body, including the impact of your condition on everyday functioning.
2. Based on your case study, and using reference material (texts and /or journal articles) discuss the possible effects of the experience of disability on your immediate and extended family unit.?Responses to questions 3 & 4 may be presented in Table format if you choose (word count still applies).
3. Identify any relevant international, national, state and local organisations that can provide you with information and/or support. This information and/or support can be available physically, by phone or via the internet. For example there might be international or national organisations with information and on-line support via a website; there might be telephone support services; there might be local support groups.
4. Clearly identify which organisations in your area would help you to holistically manage your own daily activities of living, e.g. domiciliary nursing, community nursing, day respite services and the likely frequency of services. These need to be realistic and available in the community where you (as your case study) live “ not a ˜wish list™. You can also include any support groups that may offer psychological, spiritual or social support in your area.

Section C: Daily living (no word limit “ maximum 2 pages)
Imagine living a day with the condition you have chosen.
Starting from when you get up to when you go to bed, imagine how will you get out of bed, shower, dress, toilet, meals, go up /down stairs, get on a bus in your wheelchair or using a walking frame? How will you shop/work? Can you drive, hang washing and so on? There is no need to repeat activities which occur several times during the day e.g. Complete the table for toileting once only. This also needs to be both financially affordable as your case study, and realistic from an available service provision perspective.
Provide a document under the following headings. A table format (below) is recommended for this section.

Time/Activity Ease of doing an activity or participating (0-4)
0= no difficulty
4= complete difficulty. Barriers or Facilitators you have encountered Your solution/s to overcome the barriers Approximate financial cost to you
7am: Getting out of bed 3 No railing to use Electronic bed would help $ 0.00

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