Utilize critical inquiry and judgment to evaluate the design, development, implementation, and outcomes of data management strategies for nursing and healthcare data.
30 Day Hospital Readmissions
Topic 30 Day Hospital Readmissions
This paper is intended to produce a plan for developing the database that must be submitted in Week 7 of this course. Students will gain experience in addressing key elements of a database plan. Course Outcomes Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to: (CO#1) Utilize critical inquiry and judgment to evaluate the design, development, implementation, and outcomes of data management strategies for nursing and healthcare data. (PO 5) Preparing the Paper Criteria for Content: An introduction informs about the topic of the paper and how it is organized.
Explanation of the selected problem (30 DAY HOSPITAL READMISSIONS) and why it needs a database as an information-management solution Explanation of a conceptual data model for the planned database All entities planned for the database are named. A justification or rationale for each entity is provided. The E-R diagrams can be created for individual entities mapped to all other relevant entities or a single E-R diagram showing all entities and their relationships may be provided. The identifier for each entity is named. The identifier can be narrated in the paper or included with the E-R diagram in the appendix. The relationships between entities are discussed briefly in text and illustrated, including cardinality, in the E-R diagram in the appendix or in a separate appendix. Three questions planned for the database are provided . The original questions presented in week 1 discussion may be used, or revised questions may be presented. A conclusion that recaps the paper and discusses insights gained from working on this assignment is presented