What are peer-reviewed resources? Why are peer-reviewed resources considered to be credible and valid?

Limited Access to Healthcare

“APPLYING RESEARCH SKILLS” Overview: Create a 4-6 page annotated bibliography and summary based on your research related to best practices addressing a current health care problem or issue of interest to you. For this assessment, you will select and research a current health care problem or issue faced by a health care organization. Read each portion of the assessment carefully and use the Suggested Resources to help you complete the assessment. This assessment provides an opportunity to apply research skills to a current health care problem or issue. As you prepare to complete this assessment, you may want to think about other related issues to deepen your understanding or broaden your viewpoint. You are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, a family member, or a member of your professional community. Note that these questions are for your own development and exploration and do not need to be completed or submitted as part of your assessment. How do you approach a problem or issue within your organization, when you observe it? How often have you needed to find credible information to solve a personal or professional problem? How did you find the information you needed? What are peer-reviewed resources? Why are peer-reviewed resources considered to be credible and valid? How would you explore evidence-based best practices in your field of study? Required Resources: The following resources are required to complete the assessment. Topic: Limited Access to Healthcare Short Description: Consumers face barriers to healthcare access for assorted reasons. For example: due to geographic location, provider availability, transportation issues and mobility. Potential Intervention Approaches: Healthcare information online Telemedicine In–home healthcare services Keywords for Articles: online health information seeking, health care access, health information systems, consumer health information, chronic disease, health information search, health seeking behavior, rural nursing Socratic Problem-Solving Approach: The Socratic Method is a teaching style in which teachers ask students questions designed to stimulate more complete thinking and deeper insight. It also relates to the steps of performing scientific research. When the Socratic approach is applied, students are prompted to look more closely at your ideas, question your assumptions and accepted premises, and view your choices through a rigorous lens. Apply the Socratic approach Applying the Socratic approach to problem solving helps you identify gaps and improve your thinking when writing papers or completing projects. The questions may be used to spark new insights when responding to discussion topics and posts.

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