What are relevant historical events, legislation and organizational involvements that give shape to the problem?
Spend most of your writing time at the 10,000 ft vantage point where you can see the chatter about your social problem, and the historical context. What are the competing viewpoints? What are relevant historical events, legislation and organizational involvements that give shape to the problem? From high above, you can see shifts in how the problem has been framed over the last thirty years or so, akin to Henslin’s Natural History stages. I’m less interested in how the problem looks today, down at ground level, though I understand this is where most student’s writing will gravitate. Make sure to include ways in which your problem can be analyzed on the structural blame versus personal blame axis. What are structures – policies, laws, institutional roles – that need to be addressed, rather than applying the more common and simplistic person blame. Please provide a handful of objective conditions (give sources for these statistics) and subjective concerns as you describe the parameters of the social problem you’ve chosen. Early on, you should define the problem. Be aware per Gusfield, that there are many ways to define a problem. Is there an author you’ve gravitated towards that frames and defines things nicely? Regarding the format for your paper, please consult the APA guidelines in the Owl at Purdue website. The link is provided in the first module, here in canvas. There are a few items stated in the APA guidelines that you do not need to follow: Please no abstract, no header or footer, nor is a title page necessary or will be counted as one of your 8-10. You will need sources for any claim or statistic that is not widely understood to be true.