What are some of the factors that may lead to less than objective reports in objectivity in Wikipedia and in social research?
Most of the research you will be doing during this semester will be to find information from other studies and sources. The most common method of doing research for most high school and college students is to use the internet — and one of the most common sources that pops up in any research is Wikipedia, the free online “ encyclopedia.” You will find that for this course, and many college course, Wikipedia is not considered a reliable source of information and instructors will not accept references to Wikipedia. That does not mean is not useful, but that it does not conform to standards that are very similar to some of the standards for sociological research. Please read the material at the following weblinks and write a two page essay that discusses the following issues:1. What is a “Wiki” and how is this related to the major criticism of Wikipedia as a source of reliable and valid information. The articles and your textbook discuss issues “objectivity.” How are issues of objectivity (or lack of objectivity) of the information in Wikipedia and in sociological research similar? What are some of the factors that may lead to less than objective reports in objectivity in Wikipedia and in social research?How can Wikipedia be a useful starting point for internet research projects? What are some of the specific guidelines for evaluating internet sources that are presented in the articles?Be Be sure to use APA citation of your sources.Criticism of Wikipedia –WikipediaCaution –http://www.findingdulcinea.com/news/education/2010/march/The-Top-10-Reasons-Students-Cannot-Cite-or-Rely-on-Wikipedia.htmlCriticism of Wikipedia — http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Criticism_of_WikipediaHelp find good sources on the Internet — http://www.virtualsalt.com/evalu8it.htmClass Textbook: Macionis, John J., Sociology. (2019) 17th Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Publishing.This assignment should be a minimum of 2 pages using the required format. Use your own words. If you paraphrase or quote the materials, be sure that you use APA formatting procedures – your paper should contain in-text citations and a Reference page – see syllabus for clarification on writing/formatting requirements. Don’t forget to use a cover page for your name and class information.