What are the care needs of these service users and how can they be met in this context?
Green Light Residential and Nursing Homes
Green Light Residential and Nursing Homes are a small group of 4 care homes owned by a private individual. They accommodate up to 30 residents in each home and offer care for elderly, frail people and those with dementia. All the homes are adapted buildings which were previously small hotels and were therefore not purpose built and they are in a poor state of repair. The Care Quality Commission have inspected all the homes and have consistently rated them Requiring Improvement or Inadequate putting them subsequently into special measures then serving requirement notices and warning notices. This has resulted in very little improvement and consequently all 4 homes must be closed. During this process, Green Light have not discussed the closure or need to move with the residents or the family or let them know what has been happening until a week before being due to close when a formal letter has been sent out. All 120 residents are being re homed but across a large number of different homes some of which are quite a long way from where they have been living. On the day of the move, residents’ personal possessions have been put into bin bags to be taken to their new accommodation and when many arrive their belongings have been mislaid or lost in transit.
1. What are the care needs of these service users and how can they be met in this context? Please provide a rationale for the structures and systems used to support your argument. Briefly describe how you might go about producing an assessment of their needs. Use relevant theories as well as drawing on your own skills or the skills of others to support your work. Total of 1,000 words maximum – 40% of the marks
2. In the light of limited resources and time, reflect upon options around how you could carry out your own work in the implementation of a care plan for service users, in ways that can best meet their needs in the short, medium and longer term? Total of 1,000 words maximum – 30% of the marks
3. How might you evaluate what has worked and what has not worked, with service users and those involved in this process? How can professionals and their own, or partner organisations, work to deliver good practices around addressing the needs of service users better in the future? Total of 1,000 words maximum – 30% of the marks