What are the different factors that hinder the transfer of clinical skills among nursing students?

In the field of nursing discipline, emerging technologies are changing the nursing practices; such as genetics and genomics; less invasive and more accurate tools for diagnosis and treatment

The proposed qualitative question for the desired research project is;

What are the different factors that hinder the transfer of clinical skills among nursing students?

According to Creswell (2014), “Narrative Approach” follows a set of in-depth interviews to study the lives of different individuals. Consequently, the identified information leads to the development of different themes, words and illustrates the stories. Therefore, this research question will be investigated under narrative qualitative research design. Furthermore, the research approach will follow in-depth semi-structured interviews because an in depth one-to-one interview between the researcher and the respondent allows the researcher to ask many questions from the participants to collect information (Zikmund et al., 2013). According to Mathew & Ross (2010), strengths of in-depth interview are; to follow common questions

introduction of interview questions in different ways or orders as necessary, and to allow the interviewee to answer the questions in their own way using their words (story telling)

Whereas the disadvantages of in-depth interviews are; they can be very time-consuming: setting up, interviewing, transcribing, analysing, feedback, reporting they can be costly, different interviewers may understand and transcribe interviews in different ways.

In the field of nursing discipline, emerging technologies are changing the nursing practices; such as genetics and genomics; less invasive and more accurate tools for diagnosis and treatment; 3D printing; robotics; biometrics; electronic health records; and computerized physician/provider order entry and clinical decision support (CPOE). However, with these changing technologies, it is important that nurses should have the competencies to implement these technologies. For instance, nurses may lack competence towards genomes and genetics, competencies to use less invasive tools and 3D printing, the use of robotics to increase patient care, and the appropriate use of CPOE to support clinical decision making and provide best practices (Huston, 2013). Whereas the use of mixed methods, that is, both quantitative and qualitative methods will be significant to investigate into the role of emerging technologies within the nursing practice. Because this method have the following set of advantages and both the methods will complement each other in the following manner; the strengths of one approach offset the weaknesses of the other, sed properly, a combination of methods provides more comprehensive and convincing evidence, mixed methods research can answer certain research questions that a single method approach cannot, a mixed method study can encourage interdisciplinary collaboration, mixed methods encourage the use of multiple worldviews/paradigms, mixed methods research is “practical” in that it permits the usage of multiple techniques and approaches that best address the research question (Guest & Fleming, 2015).

However, mixed methods have the following set of disadvantages and these will lead to challenges within the identified clinical problem; The research design can be very complex, takes much more time and resources to plan and implement this type of research, it may be difficult to plan and implement one method by drawing on the findings of another, it may be unclear how to resolve discrepancies that arise in the interpretation of the findings (Guest & Fleming, 2015). Keeping in view the strengths of mixed methods, qualitative methods can identify the set of current factors that contribute within the role of emerging technologies. Whereas with the use quantitative methods the level and the effect of these identified variables (factors) can be measured. And the results will be generalized for future use.

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