What are the implications of his/her line of reasoning? What consequences are likely to follow if people did not accept his line of reasoning?

What are the implications of his/her line of reasoning? What consequences are likely to follow if people did not accept his line of reasoning?
the article the journal must be from Wall Street journal In the first part of the report, you should provide a summary of the article. In the second part, they should provide their personal analysis and predictions based on the information from the report. These two parts should be clearly labeled in the report. Suggested Guidelines when Reviewing a Book or an Article Please attempt to address the following: The main purpose of the article is. The key question that the author is addressing is (Figure out the key question in the mind of the author when he wrote the article.) The most important information in this article is(facts, data, experiences the author is using to support his/her conclusions) The main inferences/conclusions in this article are (identify the key conclusions) The key concepts we need to understand in this article are (figure out the most important ideas you would have to understand in order to understand the authors line of reasoning.) The main assumptions underlying the authors thinking are (figure out what the author is taking for granted.) What are the implications of his/her line of reasoning? What consequences are likely to follow if people did not accept his line of reasoning? The main point of view presented in this article is (are) (What is the author looking at, and how is she seeing it?) Title page of the project; A cover letter stating that they are submitting the paper/case and report topic(in 1-2 sentences); Clearly stating in the letter that they are giving the instructor permission to use their assignments as examples and cases for future purposes; Name and signature.

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