March 1, 2019 Off All,

The fourth Reflective Reading Blog includes Chapter 8, which is pages 204 through 229 of your textbook, and Chapter 9, which is pages 230 through 254 of your textbook.

The deadline to post 3-2-1 Reflective Reading Blog 2 is Monday, March 4, 2019 No late blogs will be accepted for a grade after the due date.

3-2-1 Reflective Reading Blog – Parts 1 & 2 – up to 20 points

Evidence of critical thinking/quality responses Chapter Review Questions – up to 20 points

The grading rubric for the 3-2-1 Reflective Reading Blogs is included in the syllabus.


Writing Assignment Instructions:

After completion of the mandatory readings, students will post their answers to the following questions in complete sentences using proper grammar and upper division critical thinking skills using the Blackboard Blog Tool. Make sure to answer with sufficient detail to illustrate you completed the assigned readings. Typical overall length for Parts 1 & 2 should be at least 750-1000 quality words in length to score in the “A” range of 18-20 points.

Part 1: Explain three things that you learned from the textbook reading and supplemental materials. The typical length for this section is 3 to 5 paragraphs. Make sure to include how you can use the things you learned in your chosen career, how they may impact your life or your family and friends, and find one resource that you could use to find out more information about your favorite thing you learned.

Part 2: List two things you found interesting and explain why you found them interesting. The typical length for this section is 2 to 4 paragraphs. Explain why you chose the topics you did, why you find them interesting, how they may impact your chosen career, how they may impact your life or your family and friends, and find one resource that you could use to find out more information about the topic you found the most interesting.

The first half of your 3-2-1 Reflective Reading Blogs work together to form an overview of the field of Health Education and a review of the textbook from your point of view. By the end of the class, you will have written a “research paper/analysis paper” over the topics of health education. The 3-2-1 Reflective Reading Blogs serve as your major writing assignment for the course, just produced in small, manageable chunks throughout the semester. Please take these writing assignments seriously because they represent a large portion of your overall grade in the course.

Part 3: Once you have completed Parts 1 & 2 of the 3-2-1 Reflective Reading Blog Assignment, please answer the assigned chapter review questions in detail. Chapter Review Questions are worth up to 20 points. You can find the assigned chapter review questions below.

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