What barriers might exist for the client to participate in their care and how might they be overcome?

Holistic Assessment paper;Using the Holistic Assessment Tool, collect and document data about one client from clinical. If you are struggling with any parts of this portion of the assignment, it very is important to express these difficulties early to eit

1.Using the Holistic Assessment Tool, collect and document data about one client from clinical. If you are struggling with any parts of this portion of the assignment, it very is important to express these difficulties early to either your clinical instructor or to your theory instructor and he or she will guide you.

2.Using the data that you have now collected, identify two priority issues that arise out of the data that you would like to focus on. There may be several issues for the client, but choose the two most significant threats to the client’s well-being. Think about why you decided on these two – often it is the quantity, severity, and/or nature of the data that will make these two areas more obvious in their significance to the client’s well-being. The priority areas can come from any part of the Assessment.

You should be given guidance and time to gather data during your clinical experience with your clinical instructor. You may NOT interview your client outside of clinical hours.

1.Using the Holistic Assessment Tool, collect and document data about one client from clinical. If you are struggling with any parts of this portion of the assignment, it very is important to express these difficulties early to either your clinical instructor or to your theory instructor and he or she will guide you.

3.In essay format, write a 1000 word essay (+/-20%) which includes the following components:
a) Introduce the client briefly in the introduction, and state the purpose of the essay. Remember not to include any identifying information about the client to maintain confidentiality. You may use a pseudonym or simply “the client.” Do not include specific facility names, room numbers, or client identifiers.

b) Identify the two priority issues you selected in the Holistic Assessment Tool. Discuss why you selected them, using specific examples from the Assessment Tool to justify your selection clearly. Utilize at least one academic source, and TWO in text citations in this discussion to further support the selection you have made. For example, if you selected pain, the academic reference/citation might support the choice by describing the significance of pain to overall quality of life.

c. Next, address each of the two priority issues in the context of the Collaborative Partnership Approach to Care Model. How might each issue be addressed by utilizing the Model? Provide very specific examples of what it might “look like” to practice or apply the Model. For example, if you are speaking about the ingredient, Sharing Power, instead of saying simply that the nurse should collaborate with the client (much too general), the nurse could offer choices about what the client would like to wear (more specific). Provide detail around ways that the nurse could apply parts of the Model (some of the Essential Ingredients, or other aspects of the Model, including overcoming barriers, informing the client of their role in the partnership, etc).

This portion of the essay is not about how to resolve the issues with nursing interventions, though that might be included, but rather, how could the nursing interventions be done in a way that follows the Collaborative Partnership Approach to Care Model? For example, a hierarchical medical model approach to the issues would not be applying the Collaborative Partnership Approach to Care Model. Utilize at least one academic reference and at least TWO in text citations to support the discussion of the Model in application.

Some possible themes: How could Power Sharing (and other Essential Ingredients) be utilized to address one of the issues you identified? What barriers might exist for the client to participate in their care and how might they be overcome? How could the nurse use the client’s strengths to address one of the issues identified? What difficulties might the nurse encounter internally in practicing the Model with this client?

d. A conclusion which summarizes the ideas presented.

Attach the Holistic Assessment Tool that you prepared in clinical as an additional attachment in the assignment submission area. Your Assessment Tool document does not have to be typed – it can be a working copy that you used. It could be in pen or pencil. Please ensure there is no identifying information on this sheet as well.
The paper is academic writing, in APA style. It should include at least four in-text citations that are incorporated into the discussion (and properly referenced on a reference page).

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