What business problems are created by not having these data in a single standard format?
An industrial supply company wants to create a database where management can obtain a corporate-wide view of sales information to identify best-selling products in specific geographical areas, key customers, and sales trends. The sales and product information are stored in several different systems: a divisional sales system running on a Unix server and a corporate sales system running on IBM servers. Management would like to create a single standard format that consolidates these data from both systems. The following format has been proposed. Product ID Description Cost/Unit Units/Sold Sales/Region Customer/ID The following are the sample files from the two systems that would supply the data for the consolidated database: Mechanical Parts Division Sales System Product ID Description Cost per Unit Units Sold Sales/Region Customer/ID 60231 4 steel bearing 5.28 900,245 N.E Anderson 85773 SS assembly unit 12.45 992,111 Midwest Kelly, Inc. Corporate Sales System Product ID Description Unit Cost Units/Sold Sales Area Division 60231 Bearing 4 5.28 900,245 North East Parts 85773 SS assembly unit 12.02 992,111 M.W Parts What business problems are created by not having these data in a single standard format? How easy would it be to create a database with a single standard format that could store the data from both systems? Identify the problems that would have to be addressed. Should the problems be solved by database specialists or general business managers? Explain. Who should have the authority to finalize a single company-wide format for this information in the database? Assignment Expectations Your paper should be short (3-5 pages, not including cover sheet and references) and to the point. It is to be structured as a point/counterpoint argument, in the following manner: take a definite stand on the issues and develop your supporting argument carefully. Using material from the Background information and any other sources you can find to support specific points in your argument is highly recommended; try to avoid making assertions for which you can find no support other than your own opinion. You will be particularly assessed on: