What can we do to improve our students’ STAAR Math Problem-Solving performance?

For a Big Special Education Challenge in Your School District, the Research Says…Assignment (10% of course grade)This assignment has five components. They are:Talk to persons involved with special education in your school district to identify a major special education challenge in your district that will be the topic of your assignment. Try to identify a challenge that you agree with and one that very much hits home for you and interests you. Please put your challenge in the form of a question. Here are some examples:How can we improve our response to intervention (RTI) process?What can we do to reduce the number of African American male students receiving special education services?What can we do to improve our students’ STAAR Math Problem-Solving performance?Conduct a literature review on your topic. The focus of your literature review should be on analyzing your challenging situation and more importantly identifying research-based ideas that could successfully help meet the challenge of your identified issue.Clearly and specifically describe the ideas that you think could help address your challenge.What would be your plan to implement your ideas? What might be some obstacles you might encounter when implementing your plan and how would you overcome them?Lastly, what would you do to measure/assess the success of ideas in addressing your challenge?The assignment should include a summary of your notes from your meetings with school district staff in the first step of this assignment. You should indicate who you spoke with by role, when you spoke with each person, and what each person’s views were regarding leading challenges. The second part of your assignment should include a listing of all the articles you reviewed referencing them in APA style. You should also provide a brief synopsis of each referenced source relative to your challenge. The third part of your assignment should be a bulleted list of your ideas to address your challenge. The fourth piece of your assignment is an outline for your implementation of ideas to address your challenges and obstacles you could encounter and how you would overcome these obstacles. Lastly, very briefly, please specify, what your evaluation plan would be to assess the success of your intervention.I want the focus in Houston, TX in Spring ISD.

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