What does it mean to be modern, politically speaking? Answer this question through a discussion of Aristotle, Hobbes, and Weber. Your answer must address Aristotle and Hobbes respective methodologies. A good essay will also take a stance on modernity.

The essay must take the form of an argument which engages and analyzes the texts in detail (i.e. uses textual evidence), and which makes a convincing comparison across authors. Also, your argument should be interesting. This is an opportunity to show us that you can both employ and interpret the texts with nuance, and that you have your own ideas.

No outside sources beyond the course texts will be permissible as resources for writing the paper.

Aristotle: Politics= Book 1 (Parts 1-7, 12-13), Book 3 (Parts 4-5), Book 4 (Parts 1-11), Book 6 (Parts 1-2)
Hobbes: Leviathan= Introduction, chapters 1-3, 5-6, 10 (sections “power”-“worth”), 11 (sections “what is here meant by manners”-“and from love of arts”), 13-14, 15 (sections “the third of nature, justice”-“justice and propriety began with the constitution of commonwealth”, “the ninth, against pride”), 17-18, 21, 29
Weber: Protestant Ethic (pg 120-121), Science as a vocation (pg 16-31)

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