What does this study tell us about how virtual communities members collectively construct reality and the limitations imposed by external forces?
The Social Construction of Evangelical Sexuality Online Burke: Christians Under Covers
First: Evangelical sexuality websites demonstrate the components of community laid out by Baym (Chapter 4: Communities and Networks) including shared values, beliefs, and culture; shared resources and support; and shared identities. What are the shared values/beliefs and identity related to evangelical Christianity and sexuality? Be specific. Why do websites like BetweenTheSheets.com provide a source of support unavailable outside the virtual context? Soc 167: Spring 2019 Jill Bakehorn Midterm University of California, Berkley 1 of 2 Next: Explain the basic tenets of the social construction of reality by drawing upon Berger and Luckmann. (You may also draw on lecture). How do the websites Burke studied demonstrate how reality is constructed via interactions? How is the logic of godly sex interactively negotiated or determined? Be sure to define and discuss interactive determinism and interactive predestination. What is the role of spiritual capital? Finally: What are the regulatory systems of power and inequality that shape and constrain these interactions? How does the logic of godly sex both challenge and reproduce inequality? In your conclusion, be sure to tie all three sections together. What does this study tell us about how virtual communities members collectively construct reality and the limitations imposed by external forces? Mechanics ? Should be a cohesive essay with introduction and conclusion ? Should be your own work; you may not collaborate; must be original ? Quotes can be used sparingly (should not be used to define concepts) ? Essay should not exceed 5 pages double-spaced ? Standard one-inch margins ? Pages should be numbered ? Name should be on top of first page ? Should be .doc or .docx file ? Be sure to carefully edit your paper for spelling, grammar and typos ? Cite your sources! ? Include a bibliography