What is a current hot topic issue or breakthrough idea in your field of study?
Nursing,What is a current hot topic issue or breakthrough idea in your field of study? It may be a controversy, a new development, a current event, etc. (ex. The Common Core curriculum in Education or new technology in medicine) The issue you choose will
What is a current hot topic issue or breakthrough idea in your field of study? It may be a controversy, a new development, a current event, etc. (ex. The Common Core curriculum in Education or new technology in medicine) The issue you choose will be the basis for your final research paper.
Annotated Bibliography
For this project, you will write an annotated bibliography. Your purpose in writing this is three-fold: to organize and keep track of the sources you have found on your topic, to better understand the relationships among different perspectives on the topic, and to demonstrate knowledge of the existing research about it.
The topic of your annotated bibliography will be the issue you chose to write about for your final research project (It may be a controversy, a new development, a current event, breakthrough, etc.) More specifically, you will choose sources to include in your annotated bibliography that will help you answer your research question, which should be stated clearly and explained in an introduction to your AB.
In your AB, you should include:
An introduction that clearly states your research question and describes why your topic is controversial (that is, why it is an issue in the field).
5 sources organized alphabetically.
At least 3 of these must be scholarly, peer-reviewed sources.
One source must contain quantitative data, and your understanding of this data must be reflected in your annotated entry.
You may not use unsigned web sources unless you specifically have your instructor’s approval for them.
As you select your sources, make sure you have a variety. For example, you should not have multiple sources by the same author or multiple sources published by the same magazine or journal.
An annotation for each source that includes:
A citation and link (URL) to your source
A summary of the source that includes just the main points that are relevant to your research topic/question.
Information about the author that proves it is a credible source.
An indication of what this source brings to your annotated bibliography that is unique, and how it connects to the other sources.
A consistent documentation style – whatever style your field uses (APA, MLA)
*** I will need 4 to 5 sources so I don’t really know how many pages it will take