what is peer-to-peer health education and why this is important for aboriginal communities?

“How’s your sugar?” is a web page that uses narrative health information, sharing and storytelling.Understanding narrative health and how people tell their ‘health story’ is a vital skill for health professionals to possess when providing holistic care especially for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.This alternative way of allowing people to express and understand their own “health story” is often more efficient, educational, informative and cultural sensitive.Health stories’ are an essential component in providing holistic care. These stories provide an opportunity for people to express and understand their condition via their own experience and that of their peers.Typically, health promotion and education is delivered in a Westernised /bio-medical model of health that generally uses formal, and medicalised language.Indigenous health supports such as “How’s your sugar?” employ an informal, strengths based model known as a peer – to – peer model of health information sharing via stories.A peer to peer, narrative approach enhances the ability to provide culturally safe information to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in education and and promoting wellness.In Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture there are many examples of these communication techniques that contribute to a holistic model of health information sharing. This task gives the learner the opportunity to gain insights into communication that is relevant to the Indigenous culture, health and well-being.This assignment is about you as a health care professional being able to listen to health stories, and connect with people in ways other than the traditional/Westernised medical models.Discussion pointsUsing information from the unit so far, keeping in mind the impact of colonisation, the invasion of Australia, and various government policies, for example: 1905 Aboriginal Act, White Australia Policy, forced assimilation, stolen generations, etc. describehow these factors may have influenced Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander’s viewpoint on receiving ‘white’ medical assistancehow these factors still effect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s health today, from a sociological and cultural stand pointFocusing on diabetes, and using the “How’s your sugar?” website, describe‘peer to peer’ methodology, and how this model can be specifically culturally aimed at Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islandershow it aids in the transference of health education, with reference to at least two examples shown on ‘How’s your sugar?’A narrative is a highly effective and culturally appropriate way of sharing health information for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Using external resources and resources from this unit (so far) including ‘How’s your sugar?’ and Yadtjuligin describewhat a narrative could be in relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders (be careful to not just discuss ‘telling a story’)why a narrative model is being used as an engagement tool for Aboriginal people in a health settingWhat is your overall conclusion regarding culturally appropriate ways to communicate health education and promotion within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities?

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