What is the impact on your chosen client group i.e. population/ patient /clients.
Policy Analysis
From a selected current national policy document, consider its impact upon the health of specific client/patient group and its relationship to nursing care ( Department of Health (2010) Healthy Lives Health People White Paper: Healthy Lives, Healthy People: our strategy for public health in England: London: Department of Health)
Within this assignment you need to:
1. Explore the meaning of Policy in relation to this assignment.
Present a definition of policy and discussion of the meaning of policy in the context of the health.
2. Explore the political ideology underpinning the policy i.e. was it influenced by conservative, labour or liberal democrats.
E.g. was in influenced by liberalism, socialism, neoliberalism etc. including some evidence of what are some of the key elements in the policy document that indicates to you that this was from a particular ideological perspective.
3. What is the impact on your chosen client group i.e. population/ patient /clients.
E.g Obesity, diabetes, stroke, mental, child poverty, ill health etc. ( Please note this could be populations or specific diseases )
A clear identification of the chosen client group
4. Undertake a critical analysis of the impact of the policy on the health of the identified group/groups including how this policy is viewed by other groups and interest groups and consider the implications this will have on nursing practice with your chosen client group. For example how the policy document is viewed by academic commentators. The critical analysis must be reflected throughout the entire essay, not just in selected sections of your paper.
5. In conclusion, draw together the salient issues discussed in your assignment
Please use Font 12, double spacing
Please write in the third person Example: Both teachers and students agree that third-person writing produces essays of greater academic rigour
N.B. You must undertake reading of the following:
Department of Health (2010) Healthy Lives Health People White Paper: Healthy Lives, Healthy People: our strategy for public health in England: London: Department of Health
Marmot M, Allen J, Goldblatt P et al (2010) Fair society, healthy lives: strategic review of health inequalities in England post 2010. London: Marmot Review Team