What is the name (spell it out) of the specific protein that is affected in sickle cell anemia disease?

What is the name (spell it out) of the specific protein that is affected in sickle cell anemia disease?
PLEASE NO TITLE PAGE write a paragraph that explains the cause of sickle cell anemia disease? Your answer should be no longer than one page and should answer ALL of the following questions: 1. What is the name (spell it out) of the specific protein that is affected in sickle cell anemia disease? 2. Describe the specific change in the amino acid sequence that causes sickle cell anemia disease? 3. How does this protein function in normal people who do not suffer from sickle cell anemia disease? 4. what are the symptoms that individuals with sickle cell anemia disease experience 5. Is there a cure for sickle cells anemia disease? If not, describe the types of treatments that are used to alleviate the symptoms of sickle cell anemia disease

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