What kind of culturally appropriate care and/or resources should you think about (sociological and holistically)

Internal Code: MAS3091 Sociology Assignment: A 58-year-old Aboriginal man with poorly controlled diabetes presents to the Emergency Department of the major urban hospital where you are working. This man is from the inner city urban area. Questions: 1) What kind of culturally appropriate care and/or resources should you think about (sociological and holistically) offering to keep him culturally safe whilst in the hospital environment? 2) This is not medical. Think about who, what, why, in regard to your bulletin points. This man is in an URBAN hospital. 3) Think further than basic nursing care, observations, documentation, making the patient comfortable. You would do that for any and all patients. WHY DO ABORIGINAL PEOPLE NEED DIFFERENT CARE? What do they need? 23 total views, 2 views today

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