What nursing theory could guide the care?

Instructions: Think about what is needed for wellness of an obese patient with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and write about the behavior change, patient education, management, risk factors, medication/treatment compliance, and palliative care for a patient with obstructive sleep apnea. What nursing theory could guide the care? Reflect on and identify the main caring component/concept that might be anticipated using Roach’s Cs, Mayeroff, or Boykin & Schoenhofer’s authentic presence. (Choose one) Guidelines: APA format is required for this assignment. two of the references must be a current journal article. The other 2 references from the following books we are using in class: Primary Care. The art and science of advanced practice nursing 4th edition Family practice guidelines, 4th edition by Jill C Cash & Cheryl A. Glass

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