What other information about this study do you believe is unique or important to recall?

Provide an annotated bibliography (750-1,000 words total) of at least five of the assigned journal articles for Topic 5: Cognitive and Emotional Components of Behavior and Topic 6: Motivation.Including the following for each article:Outline of Synthesis PaperThe article citation.A written summary of the key concept(s) of the article. Consider the following questions: Why was the study done? What was the population studied? What did the researcher(s) conclude? What other information about this study do you believe is unique or important to recall? Are there specific statements made by the author that you wish to retain?Construct an outline for a paper that will analyze a social concern through the lens of behaviorism. You will choose a social concern (e.g., climate change, prejudice/discrimination, women’s rights, terrorism, education, homelessness, etc.) and analyze it through a behavioral framework. What solutions can behaviorism offer? What limitations exist in a behavioral interpretation of the problem?

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