What role would you envision for TEK (ethnoecology) as a source of ethnoscientific principles for resiliency and eco-justice in local and global commons?
Part 2 Short Essays. Please select only two (2) out of the following five (5) questions and write a 2 to 3 page (minimum)essay response for each (30 points each for a total of 60 points). You MUST relate your essay to one of Smiths 25 Decolonial projects to receive full credit for each essay: 1.Select two of the Principles of Environmental Justice. Write an essay in which you: ?Use the two principles to analyze any two case studies of place-based indigenous communities that we have read about over the course of the quarter. ?Do not forget to describe the setting and provide a brief note about the history of colonialism and its impact. ?Be sure you address issues related to environmental change and disparate impacts but also discuss the implications of the studies for understanding ecological democracy and community-based environmental self-governance. ?What role would you envision for TEK (ethnoecology) as a source of ethnoscientific principles for resiliency and eco-justice in local and global commons? ?What policies would you pursue to realize the goal of reaching an equitable and sustainable form of cohabitation and right livelihood? 2.Given the established fact that women literally feed the world (comprising 70 percent of the small subsistence farmers on the planet), and given the fact that women play a major role in monitoring and enforcing the rules for management of the commons, write an essay in which you discuss: ?How the Zapatista Womens Revolutionary Law could create changes to empower the worlds women to lead us toward a more justand truly sustainable world? ?You need not discuss all ten revolutionary laws and may instead focus on 2-3 you can argue would make the biggest difference to promote environmental justice and food sovereignty for women and all others. 3.Write a critique of political ecology. Consider that some fundamental concerns that are missing in the discussions of political ecology such as anthropocentrism, human exceptionalism, and dichotomy of culture and nature. After reading Kohn, Pea (Hummingbird), and Cruishank, what is your recommendation for a rethinking of political ecology in view of the culture/nature dichotomy? 4.Write an essay on the tragedy of the commons and the critique launched by Ostrom and her followers (including Araral). The ability to define, critique, and problematize the following concepts will be useful in crafting your essay: ?open versus closed access systems ?universality of individualistic utilitarian norms ?free riders ?institutions of collective action ?the prisoners dilemma ?cultural memory (information; communication) ?enduring principles of CPRs 5.Throughout the quarter we have focused on indigenous resistance to settler colonialism and capitalism as external forces that undermine local autonomy, right livelihoods, and ecological integrity. Drawing from three different cases we studied, write an essay in which you compare the three cases by discussing differences and similarities in: ?settings ?indigenous TEK and CPR governance ?colonial history ?globalization and counterglobalization effects ?Finally, discuss the implications for engaged or reverse anthropology. ?Note: you will have to clearly define key concepts to explain what you mean by terms like indigenous, settler colonialism, TEK, CPRs, etc.