what selection processes would you recommend to learn whether or not an applicant is a good fit, not only for the position that is currently open but also for the company as a whole and future roles they may inhabit?
View the following videos: https://youtu.be/k-baHBzWe4k https://youtu.be/rQKis2Cfpeo How to Work at Google: How We Hire Also watch Steve Jobs on how to hire, manage, and lead people: First Post: Please respond to the following: As an HR professional, what selection processes would you recommend to learn whether or not an applicant is a good fit, not only for the position that is currently open but also for the company as a whole and future roles they may inhabit? Discuss what you have learned about employers approaches to staffing their organizations. Provide source citations if you utilize information from other authors/speakers (so that your peers can find the information if they wish). Refer to your own personal experiences, as applicable.