What were the main challenges facing former colonial territories on their acquisition of independence?
What were the main challenges facing former colonial territories on their acquisition of independence? What did independence signify politically and economically? – This essays MUST be written in British English. – Before starting writing, please send a detailed plan and wait for my confirmation. (!) – The writer will be expected to constantly provide me updates on the work progress. – The writer must comply to the attached rules document on ‘Legal Writing Tips’ – The overall plagiarism percentage shall not be too low in order to avoid suspicion. – Failure on any of the above will result in either me withdrawing my order or asking for a full refund. The Political Economy of Decolonisation In this seminar we will be looking at a range of questions relating to the legal structures governing decolonisation as they pertain, in particular, to questions of political economy. Beginning with a discussion of the legal inheritance of the newly decolonised world, we will examine the broader debates surrounding the Bandung agenda, the New International Economic Order and Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources. In the process, we will bring into account the emergent law of foreign investment, the role of the International Financial Institutions and the GATT. READINGS: Eslava L., Local Space, Global Life (2017) Chapter 3; Anghie A., Imperialism, Sovereignty and the Making of International Law (2005) chapter 4. Pahuja S., ‘Decolonisation and the Eventness of International Law’, in Pahuja et al., Events: The Force of International Law (2010) 91; Truman’s Inaugural Address (1949) FURTHER READING: Rajagopal B., International Law from Below (2003) chapter 5 (IFIs); chapter 4 (NIEO) Pahuja S., ‘The Technologies of Empire: IMF Conditionality and the Re-Inscription of the North-South Divide’ 13 LJIL (2000) 749 Anghie A., ‘Bandung and Third World Sovereignty’ in Eslava et al. (eds) Bandung, Global History and International Law (2017) 535 Pahuja S., Decolonising International Law (2011)