What were the results of the study and what strengths and limitations that you see within the stud

What were the results of the study and what strengths and limitations that you see within the stud

years. It must be a Randomized Clinical Trial Study and be quantitative in nature.
Critique the quantitative NURSING research study article by COMPLETELY answering the following questions:
• the problem
• purpose of the study
• research question
• hypothesis (if one is listed, if not, state what do you think it would be)
• methodology
• subjects and setting (discuss the subjects demographics)
• collection of data – How was this accomplished
• the instruments (Be sure to identify the instruments used to measure the variables..do you think they were reliable)
• data analysis – How was the data analyzed
• results – What were the results of the study and what strengths and limitations that you see within the stud

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